Just before the world curls up and plays dead for the winter, it lets out one last burst of life in the form of vivid colors and crisp scents.
The turning point of that last burst usually falls at the end of October (for those of us in the Northern latitudes) and traditionally marks the end of the year.
Traditionally, that is, for those of a Pagan persuasion. Or those of us who feel the ebb and flow of the energies that those grand old nature religions are based on.
This is the time of year to enjoy that cold, crisp scent of life and the wild splashes of color that have crinkled up from the supple, more gentle hues of previous days. A time to appreciate those who we enjoyed those sights and scents with.
A time to remember who we are and where our place in the Universe is.
It is the end of the cycle. The preparation for the darkest, coldest time of the year and of our lives.
We get through it because we know the cycle will renew.
After a rest, there will be rebirth.
Now, we are close to Death. There is nothing that can give us more of an appreciation for Life.
They are connected.
They are natural.
And they are part of the same cycle we are in.
Celebrate that connection.
Revel in that last burst of life.
Prepare for the break before it surges again.
Blessed Samhain to you all.
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