As you work a spiritual path, you become aware of many things.
With some work, that awareness grows into insight.
Sometimes, that insight goes to your head. You begin to be able to make certain predictions. You begin to realize things about people without them telling you and without any normal evidence to support it.
If you lose your grounding, you begin to feel superior to others. You begin to remove yourself from the rest of the world. You start to look down on people and dismiss even those who know better than you.
If you have lost your grounding, all of this seems quite normal and the way things should be.
The Universe does not long tolerate such action. Things will happen to bring you back down to earth. Often with a nasty crash.
Unless, of course, the Universe has plans for you.
The self-absorbed that stray from their path of development because they already thing they’re perfect serve as excellent examples to others. Excellent examples of how destructive ego can become. Excellent examples of how much harm one person can do–to themselves and others.
Yes, sometimes bad things happen to inspire others. Sometimes people fall off the path so they can learn more fully the difference being on it makes.
And sometimes, that person who you think has fallen off the path hasn’t.
But you have.
Sometimes, it’s all a matter of perspective.
But there is always a bigger view that will help you bring your perception into line with the larger reality.
It kind of brings in new meaning of when the student is ready the teacher will appear.
It seems like once you get on the road to understanding of what our purpose is and who we really are, a quickening happens.
A quickening of experiences, singularities, synchronicities and Coincidences.
A sort of pushing us from behind down the road to enlightenment.
Great Blog.