According to a recent article in Wired Magazine, the Pentagon is once again throwing money at paranormal sounding research. Unlike some previous attempts at battlefield psi ops, there is actual technology involved this time: The project has three major goals, according to Darpa. First, try to map a person’s EEG patterns to his or her […]
Another Try at Battlefield Psi
Metaphysical Monday: Once Upon A Dream
Just a quick set of questions, spawned by a conversation had this weekend… Lucid dreaming is something that I do on a semi-regular basis–either planned or unplanned. Do you lucid dream? Have you ever found yourself in a recursive dream, lucid or otherwise? (One where you “wake up” and then realize that, no, you’re still […]
Metaphysical Monday: A Second Look
Every now and then, I run into an interesting problem: I don’t see people as they appear to everyone else. Or, perhaps more specifically, I don’t perceive them the same way and that perception difference manifests in my mind processing the visual data differently. This becomes most apparent when going through photos. I’ll see someone, […]
Metaphysical Monday: Serendipity
I’m a big fan of the idea of serendipity. In fact, I kind of count on it to keep my life interesting. So far, I haven’t been disappointed. I’ve stumbled into most of the great things in my life–my relationships, my jobs, my most interesting ideas and experiences–almost always while looking for something that, at […]
Metaphysical Monday: Intuitive Business
Back in June, Newsweek published an article about Laura Day, a psychic consultant. Needless to say, that piqued my interest. Partially because she was pulling in $10,000 a month per client, but mostly because it was reported straight, fair and prominently by Newsweek. That kind of coverage doesn’t happen all that often in the metaphysical […]
Metaphysical Monday: Why a Metaphysical Framework?
This is just a quick thought, something that can (and will) be developed and explored a little more fully as time goes on here. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a man of science as well as a man of faith. One foot in each world, as firmly planted as I can manage. That’s how it’s […]
Metaphysical Mondays: 5 Reasons Why You Walk the Path
There are a near infinite number of ways to come to walk the path of an Initiate. Some are drawn to it by life events and an innate craving for something more. Others stumble upon it, not fully aware that they’ve even begun until they look back on the lessons they’ve learned. Among those myrid […]
Metaphysical Monday: 93
I find it oddly symbolic that my graduation year is also one of the key numerological conecpts in one of the many metaphysical systems I’ve looked into over the years. For me, the number represented an amazing change in being. A freeing from many of the things that held me back from knowing–let alone being–who […]
Metaphysical Monday: Groundhog Day
Today (or yesterday, depending on who you ask or how you want to measure days) is Imbolc, the mid-winter holiday of the general Pagan calendar. While not technically the darkest of the dark days of winter, for those of us in the non-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere, it sure does kick of what is […]
Irony Intrudes
Last week, I planned to kick off a little four part series here on the elements. As homage to my seemingly endless problems with water being where water shouldn’t be, I was going to start off with that element and work my way through the other three over the rest of the month. That plan […]