It appears inevitable, looking at the story so far, that a spiritual path leads to much pain and suffering. More often than not, that becomes the case. The spiritual and the physical, while not actually opposing forces, are often seen as such. This creates conflict, especially in our modern world where extreme factions of both […]
The Sacred Triduum: Service, Sacrifice, Salvation (Part IV)
The Sacred Triduum: Service, Sacrifice, Salvation (Part III)

As surely as true Service requires a certain amount of dedicated action, Sacrifice requires even more. For those on a spiritual path, the sacrifices start out small and sensible. Your old world views are offered up, making way for clearer sight. Your old self is cast to the four winds, making space for the new […]
The Sacred Triduum: Service, Sacrifice, Salvation (Part II)

Service is a basic tenant of many faiths. At the absolute least, we’re all stuck on this ball of mud together, so we should probably make the best of it. On a slightly less wry level, cooperation has definite survival benefits for critters that aren’t the biggest or strongest around. Our primitive ancestors relied on […]
The Sacred Triduum: Service, Sacrifice, Salvation (Part I)

For those of the various Christian faiths, tonight marks the beginning of the most important three day period. Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are the reason there is a Christian religion. Sure, Christmas may be the best known and most liked and there most certainly wouldn’t have been much “Christ” in Christianity without […]