Humans are creatures of habit. In general, once we establish a pattern, we get really uncomfortable when that pattern gets disrupted. Whether it’s stopping off at the coffee shop every morning or sitting down on the couch to enjoy a favorite show every week, those bits of regularity provide structure for our lives. And that […]
It Takes Rising and Falling to Live
The Trap of Illusions

Our minds are powerful engines of creation. For most people, just seeing letters arranged in a certain way (say, “tree”) can conjure and entire vivid scene. Perhaps it’s a memory, perhaps just a feeling, maybe it’s something different every time, but it’s almost always more than just the letters. We’re constantly interpreting the world around […]
Metaphysical Monday: A Second Look
Every now and then, I run into an interesting problem: I don’t see people as they appear to everyone else. Or, perhaps more specifically, I don’t perceive them the same way and that perception difference manifests in my mind processing the visual data differently. This becomes most apparent when going through photos. I’ll see someone, […]
Metaphysical Monday: Why a Metaphysical Framework?
This is just a quick thought, something that can (and will) be developed and explored a little more fully as time goes on here. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a man of science as well as a man of faith. One foot in each world, as firmly planted as I can manage. That’s how it’s […]
An Invitation to Fellow Searchers
Things have been quiet here for quite a while. A lot of that has to do with my own re-investigation of myself, a renewal of old habits and a rediscovery of misplaced interests. Looking back, the past year was kind of sparse with personal spirtitual development. I got a little lost for a while digging […]